













festival for









25-28 july 2024

traumburg is a multisensory experience – varying from musical and art performances, installations, lectures and exhibitions, all in a beautiful castle near Magdeburg, germany.

Movement and Motion are the sudden physical responses of our bodies, wind in a tree’s crown, light dancing over ground, soap making its way through the surface of waters forming bubbles, merging shapes and changing spaces, images floating over screens, fog creeping, frogs jumping. Everything moves.

It lies in all our's and everything’s nature. It is so deeply rooted within life, that the mere meaning of these words altered into associations of social change and political empowerment. Without motion there is no life and without movement there is no change.





thank you to everyone who has applied to this year's open call. We're overwhelmed by the amount and quality of applications. we will now carefully review all of them and contact you as soon as possible. Thanks for your patience.

apply to the open call





Our heartfelt thanks go out to all the supporters who made last year's event possible; without you, this incredible project wouldn't be a reality. Your enthusiasm and dedication have been the driving force behind our commitment to making this year's festival even more memorable.

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to the


once again we will collectively transform the historic schloss dornburg an der elbe into a movement of arts and music.



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How do I get to the castle?

By car: Enter Schloss Dornburg an der Elbe in your navigation system and you’ll find the way to Traumburg. By train: From anywhere in Europe get the train to Station 'Prödel' near Magdeburg. In Germany you can travel across the country for €49 with a so-called ‘Deutschland Ticket’. There will be Traumburg shuttles from the Station Prödel to the castle and back. Twice an hour during these times: Thu/Fri: 12:00 - 21:30 // Sat: 14:00 - 21:30 // Sun: 12:00 - 17:00 & 19:00 - 21:00 // Mon: 9:00 - 11:00

When does Traumburg take place?

The Traumburg entrance is open from Thursday, 25. July as of 12:00, the program starts at 18:00. The program ends on Sunday, 28. July 18:00. You will be able to camp on the festival site until Monday 29. July 10:00. Everyone who’s still on site at 10:00 on Monday will be expected and coordinated to help with the build-down of the festival.

Where can I camp?

We have a dedicated camping area in the castle garden. If you’re coming with a campervan, you can camp in the dedicated area close to the parking, however, there’s very limited campervan spots available.

Why did the price for a ticket increase?

It surely hasn’t been an easy decision but for maintaining traumburg as it is, a slight increase in our prices was a necessary measurement. there are several reasons for that. apart from a general increase in costs of all kinds, our aim for this year’s edition was to not grow in size. as a non profit festival we heavily rely on the constant support of volunteers. last year we had to learn and reflect that the amount of supporters was too little, many kind people had to work longer shifts than expected and weren’t able to enjoy the festival as much as we wanted them to. to ensure a smooth running and a welcoming, fun work environment, we decided it was the right step to invite more supporters and reduce the stress on each individual. that however subsequently results in fewer tickets that are for sale. to maintain our budget as a festival without any sponsors, we saw no other option than raising our current ticket prices to a total of 150 EUR (+ 5 EUR trash deposit that must be paid in cash on site)

How much does the ticket cost and where can I buy it?

The ticket costs 150 EUR (incl. taxes) + 5 EUR trash deposit (paid in cash on site) which includes access to the festival site and camping. You can buy on our website.The turquoise shimmering lakes in the surrounding area are all for free. Check out silver lake (Silbersee) and blue lake (Blauer See).

I bought a ticket and will not be able to attend the festival. Is there a possibility to resell my ticket?

You may transfer your ticket to a friend or resell it. Unfortunately, we cannot refund tickets at this point.

How can I apply as a supporter?

To join the open call for supporters, please see above.

How can I apply as an artist?

As an artist you can apply in two categories: Art and Music. Our Art program is very versatile and has been home to live dance performances, performance art, interactive installations, photo exhibitions, workshops and many more different types of things. We invite artists from all disciplines to apply to the arts Open Call. We would love to see how you will implement this year’s theme ‘Movement’ into your work. Some other pointers we are interested in are: works high in sensory engagement, works that implement the castle and its environment and works that incite DIY culture and knowledge sharing. These are just examples of what kind of art fits Traumburg, but we are open to anything. For The Music program we are looking for unique musical acts who can enrich Traumburg's line up with their versatile style, taste and abilities. Even though we have a mostly electronic line-up, we urge acoustic and non-electronic musicians to apply to the Open Call as well. Please also consider that we receive a high volume of applications in electronic dance music / techno, and (unfortunately) we can only choose a few of these. Sometimes performances overlap between art and music, if you are unsure in which category you fit, you can mention this in the form and we will work it out together. The Open Call runs until the 16th of March 2024. And of course: if you have applied to the Open Call in previous years, feel free to apply again!

Can you tell me a bit more about Traumburg?

Traumburg is an independent festival for arts and music, primarily focused on visual arts and electronic music. Since our first edition in the summer of 2020 we plan to come together once a year to experience a cultural exchange, to meet, to talk and to enjoy ourselves. Far away from the troubles of the rushed world we want to invite you to Schloss Dornburg, a wild romantic baroque castle deep inside the countryside of east Germany, transforming this magical place for a couple of days into a cluster of exhibitions, installations, performances and interdisciplinary interactions. Every year we choose a theme that follows the festival both aesthetically and spiritually. Traumburg strives to be an ever-morphing project. In every direction imaginable. We grow and we change. Since our last editions we have grown both in experience and size. Yet, the most important thing is to stay true to our values. Traumburg is a community-led and participatory initiative, we urge you to uncover your craftsmanship, creative veins and other talents in an ‘open call’, bring these together in a collaborative way and present your contributional work in the best light. Of course, we also welcome everyone who doesn't have much time to spare and just wants to enjoy the experience of the long weekend. Nevertheless we’d like to point out that you won’t get a ticket to a regular festival, instead it is an entry into a DIWO (do-it-with-others) community experience. Together we turn the passive into proactive, consumer into contributor, try-outs into creators, bringing a variety of textures to life.

Are there any forbidden items?

Forbidden on the festival site: Bricks, sharp objects, animals, sound, film, video and photographic equipment, drones, fireworks, (pocket)knives and any other object that may be considered dangerous by the crew. If we see you with any of those items we may reserve the right to ban you from the festival site.

Can I bring my own food and drinks to the Festival?

Yes. Traumburg is made by friends for friends, because of that you’re allowed to bring your own drinks and food. If you’re looking for something more special we have a range of food trucks and a few bars with drinks available.

How can I pay at Traumburg?

This year the kiosk will be cashless - only payments via card can be accepted. However, please also bring some cash for the foodtrucks and the trash deposit.

Will there be any care taking of my wellbeing?

An awareness and medic team will be available at site at all times during the festival. If you or your friends do not feel well, don’t hesitate to contact someone at the the awareness team (with the bright vests) or the staff at the bar. You can also check out our awareness concept on our website. Keep in mind, it is everyone’s responsibility to create a safer space. Please consider others’ comfort. Also, Traumburg aims to be an inclusive space, where beautiful and open minded beings of all races, ethnicities, socioeconomic backgrounds, religions, cultures, genders, and sexualities come together. We aim to continuously improve to become the safest space possible for everybody and therefore will not tolerate any type of harassment or discrimination. That also means no speakers broadcasting their ideologies on the festival site.

Can I park and sleep in my campervan on the Festival site?

Yes, however, there are limited parking spots for camper vans available. If all spots are occupied we might have to ask you to go to the camping places outside of Dornburg.

Can I camp inside of the castle?

Unfortunately you can not camp in the castle. Our camp site is in the garden, with a beautiful view of the castle. And don’t worry we'll procedures so that the camping site is quiet at night and more organised this year.

Can I bring my pet to Traumburg?

No, please do not bring any pets to the festival. We do not know if any of our guests might be uncomfortable around certain animals. Moreover, a festival with such an amount of stimulation is not a place for a pet.

Can I leave my ‘Pfand’ there?

If you bring any beverages with the so-called German ‘Pfand’, please take these home again. It is a fairly big amount of work for us to bring back the ‘Pfand’ and we are not aiming for refunds here.

Do you offer Traumburg merchandise?

We will offer fair-trade, eco-friendly, vegan pieces of Traumburg clothing. We don’t like to think of it as simple merchandise as we carefully design the prints, embroidery and are quite selective on the garments.

What kind of food will be available at Traumburg?

At Traumburg you will find a variety of food. Most important: All of our Food is vegetarian or vegan and affordable. We will also have a version of our Kiosk selling snacks again.

What about substance use and safety?

Traumburg aims to be a safe space for all visitors, away from societal pressures. However, the enjoyment of substances must be in line with your own safety and that of others. Therefore, remember to take rests, stay hydrated, and eat enough. If you feel unwell or see someone in distress, notify the Awareness or Medic Team. Your health and safety should always come first. Look out for one another and help make Traumburg a safe and pleasant place for everyone. Public consumption of substances is prohibited on the festival grounds. Attention! The following substances are expressly forbidden on the festival grounds: GHB/GBL, DMT, Crystal Meth, Heroin/Opiates, Crack These substances are extremely dangerous and can be easily overdosed. We distance ourselves from any use of them. Leave them at home. Anyone who does not comply will be required to leave the festival grounds and will not be allowed to return.

I am a resident of the surrounding village/s, can I enter the festival for free?

Residents of Dornburg, Gommern or the surrounding villages can register for entrance to the festival at the mayor of Dornburg. If you are not on the registered list you may not enter the festival site. There will be specific entrance days and times for the residents registered on the list.

⁠Is there a Shirt Policy?

Our festival´s dance floors are vibrant places of joy, expression and community. To ensure all participants can fully enjoy this experience in a safe and respectful environment, we are implementing a shirt policy on the dance floors this year. This policy does not intend to restrict people in their attire or appearance, but rather it aims to promote awareness and respectful interaction among the attendees. Our goal is to prevent anyone from feeling that intimidated or crowded out. Not everyone wants to be touched by naked bodies while dancing. Simultaneously we want everyone to feel empowered to express themselves authentically. But the following still applies: Please check your privilege, look out for each other and be aware of how your behavior may impact others, both off and on the dance floors. Together we can create an environment where everyone can freely and safely express themselves while honoring everyone's needs and boundaries.

Is the festival wheelchair accessible?

Unfortunately, we do not have the means to provide wheelchair access to all areas of the historic protected monument therefore some areas of our festival site are not wheelchair accessible. We ask you to let us know beforehand if you are a wheelchair user, for us to make our site as wheelchair friendly as possible. You can contact us via email ( and we will work this out together!

Can I cook my own food?

We have a dedicated BBQ area, where you can prepare your own food. On the camping site it is absolutely prohibited to use an open fire. The area is known for fire hazards. If we see you starting a fire or BBQ on the camping site we may reserve the right to ban you from the festival.

Can I bring my own speakers?

You are welcome to bring your own bluetooth speakers. But we are asking you to leave bigger sound systems at home and to use any speaker at moderate volume. Many artistic interventions are combined with sound and we would like our crowd to respect the intention of any piece.

What about any lost items?

Please ask at the entrance & info point if any of your lost items were found. After the festival you can pick up any lost item until the 28. July 9:00 AM. We will post all the lost items in a Telegram Group after the festival.

Where can I leave my garbage?

Our location is a historic protected monument. We ask you to keep your impact on the environment to a minimum. Plan your trip ahead of time, only bring the necessities and don’t leave your stuff or garbage behind. We will have a garbage container available on site. We charge 5 Euros in cash at the entrance as a trash deposit. For this deposit you get a trash bag and a trash deposit coin. You will get your 5 Euros back, if you hand over a full trashbag+trash deposit coin after the festival.

Will there be any sanitary facilities?

Sanitary facilities will of course be supplied. Please take into consideration that this is still a festival produced on a low budget. Yet, we have toilet containers available, and even hot water shower containers.